Personal Branding Trends to Remember

The personal branding industry continues to evolve and it’s important to stay on top of the latest trends if you want to succeed. Keep reading to learn more about the trends to remember in 2021!

Capture Your Audience Through Podcasts
Available at the simple touch of a button, Podcasts are transforming the way people learn about the latest global news and trends – with Apple Podcasts currently being home to 750,000 podcast shows. 

As the ideal way to position yourself as a thought leader, at Prestidge Group, our Podcast Production service covers everything from A-Z, including creating a unique format and seeking guests to feature on your show, which is a great way to build your brand association. 

Take A Stand With CEO Activism
CEO Activism and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) plays a key part on how you are viewed by your followers and employees, especially in relation to shifts in culture and society. For example, following the Black Lives Movement, CEOs are being encouraged to speak out about what they believe in.

Utilize LinkedIn
As the leading global professional network, LinkedIn continues to lead the way when it comes to industry professionals connecting together. In comparison to Facebook and Instagram, the platform also has a free algorithm, meaning that every share and like is displayed to your entire network, as well as those whose posts you have engaged with. 

When using the platform, it is also important to share posts and network consistently to ensure that you continue to be projected as a reliable and notable figure. 

Combining Long & Short Form Content
When growing your personal brand, it is important to utilize every marketing practice by mixing together long and short form content. For example, an hour-long press interview can be broken down into two-minute videos to be shared across your social platforms, allowing you to reach a wider audience. 

Creatively Use New Social Media Features
Following the launch of Instagram Reels and TikTok, traditional flat social media posts can often get overlooked by users, so ensure to take great advantage of these tools and allow your creativity to flow. 

Utilizing Both Traditional and Digital PR
Traditional PR (such as a printed article or broadcast) alone is now not sufficient enough to create a buzz between your followers. It should be supported by a credible social media and digital marketing presence. 

For someone navigating through the digital landscape for the first time, you may be a little unsure how you can best put these practices into place, but do not fret as we as the Prestidge Group are here to help.

As a leading personal branding agency, our team of industry experts have unparalleled experience in the world of digital marketing and PR, which is shown through our range of services, including; Press Coverage & Media Relations, Government & HNW Business Introductions, Social Media Management and Content Creation.

Visit our website today for more information.

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