The Foundations For a Powerful Executive Brand Online

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to capture attention online effortlessly, while others struggle to get noticed? The secret lies not just in what you say, but how you say it.

In other words: your message is important, but the way you deliver that message? That’s what sets you apart.

The goal is not to be “seen”; it’s about being remembered for the right reasons. So how do you craft a brand that’s memorable?

Well, you don’t need a million followers or a perfectly curated Instagram feed. You don’t need to be the loudest voice in the room or constantly chase trends.

What you need is a solid foundation. A foundation built on understanding what makes your audience tick.

“Be authentic” is cliché for a reason

I know, I know. Leading with the most clichéd advice on the internet wasn’t my first choice either. But, allow me to explain.

On November 30, 2022, ChatGPT was launched to the world. About a year and a half later, everyone’s feeds are filled with posts that contain phrases like “in an ever-changing world of *industry name*”, “in the grand tapestry of industry/niche”, and sentences filled with words like “realm”, “intriguing”, “holistic”, and “intersection”. All hallmarks of AI-generated content.

Our feeds have now become cluttered with a certain… sameness. Now more than ever, it’s important for your content to be unique and attention-grabbing. AI is poor at that – but so are most humans. To find content that’s unique, compelling, and attention-grabbing, you need to dig deep. This involves not only finding your unique strengths, and skills but also understanding how these can address the knowledge gap.

This is where your Unique Value Proposition (UVP) comes in. It is the cornerstone of your personal brand. It’s what sets you apart from the competition. Ask yourself, what do you offer that no one else does? This could be a combination of your skills, experiences, personality, and the way you solve problems. Perhaps you’re a high profile entrepreneur or a government official, in which case your name already carries brand value and it’s up to you to make the most of it.

Once you have a clear understanding of your UVP, use it as the guiding principle for your content. Knowing your audience is key to creating content that resonates. Your content shouldn’t aim to appeal to everyone all the time. A good portion of your content should focus on your niche, the people who can benefit the most from your expertise. Consider their interests, challenges, and the platforms they frequent. This understanding will help you tailor your content in a way that speaks directly to them, making it more engaging and impactful.

Lead with thought

‘Thought leadership’ is a term that’s been thrown around like confetti these days. Everyone’s a thought leader, everyone’s got something to sell. 

Understandably, there’s a lot of confusion about how one should go about becoming a thought leader. Well, no one is going to knight you with a “thought leader” badge. You become a leader by leading. By having original ideas and fearlessly sharing them and championing new ways of thinking. And of course, you need to be someone who “walks the walk”, nobody would listen to an overweight physical trainer about losing weight. 

Here is that in action:

A real estate CEO providing valuable, data-backed insights about real estate trends, empowering people to make informed decisions for potentially life-changing investments.

An entrepreneur sharing battle-tested strategies and lessons learned in the trenches of building a company, inspiring others. 

A wellness tech startup executive sharing how technology is empowering individuals to take ownership of their health and well-being.

The essence lies in:

->Bringing novel ideas and fresh perspectives to the table.

->Addressing current, pressing needs in your industry.

->Connecting on a level that resonates deeply with your audience.

Tell stories

Make storytelling a habit when you pen posts, articles and even when you’re interviewed in the media. Humans are wired for stories. We perk up when we hear a good story, we relate to them, and remember them. When crafting your content, infuse it with stories – your stories. Share your journey, the hurdles you’ve overcome, the lessons you’ve learned. But here’s the kicker: always tie it back to your audience. How does your story benefit them? What can they learn from it? This approach not only makes your content more engaging but also more relatable and memorable. 

Post a lot, but not too much

Posting content with perfect timing is like baking cookies. Too little, and they’re just sad, doughy blobs; too much, and you’re dealing with a charred mess. Hit that sweet spot, though, and you’re everyone’s favorite person.

“Post daily” “twice a day” “three times if you can” I’ve heard the so-called ‘personal branding gurus’ insist. Here’s a better idea: how about we focus on quality over quantity? Your content is the backbone of your brand. Make it count. Every piece of content you share should reflect your UVP, speak to your audience, and add value. Otherwise, it’s just noise. And believe me, the internet has enough of that already. Be strategic. Plan your content with the intent to educate, inspire, or entertain. Make your audience feel something, and they’ll come back for more.

Building a powerful executive brand online takes time and consistent effort. But by being authentic, leading with thought, telling stories, posting strategically, and engaging with your audience, you’ll be well on your way to creating a brand that not only gets noticed but is remembered for the right reasons.

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